Personal Statement

'Become the change you want to see' - Gandhi

About me

I am perceiving that there is a huge shift in consciousness going on in the world, an awakening on a spiritual level, perhaps because people are finally starting to look at the system and begin to profoundly question what they are being told. The spiritual awakening which I refer to is causing more and more people to seek what is genuine in life and turn from what is hollow and meaningless, or worse, what they have been falsely lead to believe are the truly meaningful needs in life. I believe that art should be at the frontier of this new awakening.

Art, for me, has always been a spiritual quest. As a child I would look at the world and see a miracle all around me, and art called me as a way of being able to engage with my own understandings and to deepen them with each work. When I say that my art is spiritual in nature I mean it in the sense of a vocation, a calling, a philosophy, a means of finding higher meaning in life and in those energies that cross my path and inspire me. I have always needed to engage with what calls me and what I find to be genuine.

I am now in my middle years and I finally feel that I am ready to focus my creative perceptions on ever broader and more engaging levels, to start looking beyond the core of my subjects and to show how they interact and affect the worlds they create around them. This is a time for me of great expansion and excitement, and I feel at last that it's possible to remove any limits from my creative ideas and live them with all the intensity and integrity that I can muster, to begin actively engaging with the creative and spiritual awakening which is happening all over the world.

Bringing transcendent environments to real world situation.

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